OF RUSSIA MINISTRY OF DEFENSE THE STATEMENT DISPROVES OVER THE AGREEMENT OF MOSCOW WITH THE NATO EXTENSION MOSCOW, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The Ministry of Defense of Russia disproved the statements of the representatives of the USA and NATO over the fact that Moscow agrees allegedly with the extension of the North Atlantic alliance and recognizes the rocket threats in Europe. Colonel general Leonid Iwaschow, boss of the head office international one military co-operation of the Russian office for war, explained on Monday before the press that " Russia announces the extension to the East of NATO as threat of its security still regarded ", the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent. This was formulated " unique in the new military doctrine of the Russian federation and in the Russian suggestions over the not-strategic European anti-missile defense system ". Everything, " which in this connection in Washington and the metropolises of the European NATO member countries one talks, is gentle said unrealistically ", noted Iwaschow. " the position of Russia to the ABM contract of 1972 exists to obey therein that the pages receive all regulations of the document mentioned, strictly and the taken over obligations fulfill is. " Is crucial in the Russian suggestions over the not-strategic European anti-missile defense system according to Leonid Iwaschow the first starting period of this system. It concerns " the estimate of the character and the yardsticks of the development of the missiles and possible threats in connection with their application against the European states ". In this phase the Russian page suggests, possible measures for the neutralization of the rocket threats, if such develop, particularly with political defining diplomatic and other procedures of a non-military character. Only if does not succeed neutralizing the rocket threats on the part of respective states with non-military means one must turn into to the second phase of the Russian suggestions and model the ways and contents of the future not-strategic European anti-missile defense system. Russia is ready, common according to Iwaschow with other states, here not only with the European to participate in the implementation of the second and further starting periods of the European anti-missile defense system if this necessity develops. " Russia has all means for the fight of the not-strategic ballistic rockets for order, and we are ready, these means with other countries for the neutralization of the threats to combine, those for Europe in 21. Century to develop know ", said the general. The general stressed that Russia requests not only the Nato-countries, but all European states to co-operate in the rocket problems here without consideration for any boundaries. " today we feel no rocket threat for the European states ", said Iwaschow finally.