PROTOCOL ON ASSEMBLY OF RUSSIAN TU-204 AND TU-334-MASCHINEN IN IRAN DEBIT SIGNS MOSCOW, 12 March. / Dmitri Snamenski, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in the context of the Russia attendance of Mohammad Khatami, president Iran, can be signed a log over the assembly of Russian freight and passagierflugzeuge Tu-204 and Tu-334 in Iran after license. How the RIA "Nowosti" Korespondent announces, the Ilja Klebanow, deputy government chairmen Russlands indicated, on Monday in the discussion with journalists. It stressed that it can occur after the examination of this question of the experts of the two countries. Ilja Klebanow emphasized: " we felt that the president Iran in the signing of such a log is interested. " The vice-Prime Minister did not call an exact date of the signing of the document, it stated however at the same time that it will certainly occur in the course of the monthly.