SPEAKER OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RF TO THE ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE MOSCOW, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The suggestions of Russia on the not-strategic European anti-missile defense are the intentions of the USA of structuring a national anti-missile defense system (NMD) directly opposite. This avowed colonel general Leonid Iwaschow, boss of the head office international one military co-operation, on Monday on a Briefing, announces the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent. The Russian suggestions within the area of the not-strategic European anti-missile defense system will not impair the international obligations within this area according to it ". That is a certified area in cooperating for the defense of the not-strategic ballistic rockets ". The USA try however however to destroy the basic document within the area of strategic stability - the ABM contract of 1972 - noted Iwaschow. " the implementation of the US plans for the setting up of the NMD system will cause competition between the defensive and offensive systems. This process will influence the delimitation of the conventional arms negatively ", stressed Iwaschow.