DELEGATION OF ZYPRIOTI PARLIAMENTARIANS IN MOSCOW ARRIVED NIKOSIA, 12 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. a delegation of zypriotischer members of parliament, led of the parliament chairman Spyros Kyprianou, arrived to a four-day attendance in Moscow. As the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent announces, the zypriotischen parliamentarians will meet with the chairman of the Staatsduma of the RF Gennadi Selesnjow as well as with the directors/conductors of the groups of delegates and political movements of the House of Commons, with members of the federation advice, upper house of the Russian parliament, and with the guidance of the group of the friends of Cyprus in the Staatsduma. Before the takeoff to Moscow Spyros Kyprianou explained that Russia was impossible a very important factor with internationaen efforts toward the solution of the Cyprus problem and without it such a process. The parliament chairman Zyperns intends to discuss with Gennadi Selesnjow the Cyprus problem and the ways of possible cooperating of the two parliaments in order to obtain with the regulation on Cyprus a progress. **time-out** Spyros Kyprianou stress, that to process the since much year exist problem all five member the UNO security council participate should, and give the hope printout, that the participation Russia now intensive be will. From the view of the parliament chairman Zyperns such contacts enable to strengthen not only the inter-parliamentary relations to intensify but also bilateral co-operation generally.