YUGOSLAV FORCES IN THE SECURITY ZONE AT THE YUGOSLAV-CMacedonian BOUNDARY DEPLOYS BELGRADE, 12 March. / Sergej Rjabikin, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Nebojsa Covic, chairman of the coordination committee for the regulation of the crisis in the south of Serbia, vice-prime minister of the Serbian government, and Carlo Cabigiosu, commander of the international peace forces for the Kosovo / KFOR /, signed an agreement on Monday over the invasion of the Yugoslav forces in the security zone at the jugoslawitsch Macedonian boundary. As the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent announces, the Yugoslav security forceses are to march into this zone in the space of the municipality Presevo. The agreement was signed in agreement with the resolution in former times calm by NATO over gradual restricting of the security zone at the administrative boundary between Serbia and the Kosovo.