ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS: VIEW FROM BELGRADE BELGRADE, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Slabynko). The crisis in the south of Serbia and in Macedonia only the United States know abregeln, since " only Washington can reprimand the Albanian extremists, it in the life called, equipped and on the throne set ", write the popular Belgrader newspaper " Vecerni novosti " in the editorship comment under the heading " at expense of the other blood ". According to the newspaper today a much worse situation than before exists the chute of the Kosovo Friedenskraefte on the Balkans. The Americans will not die however as main authors and - operators of the western policy on the Balkans or the life at least one of their military on the play will not set. They would like to reprimand the Albanian " rebels " in the triangle Serbia Macedonia Kosovo, keep out however from the danger. " Vecerni novosti " asks the question: Which wants America on the Balkans, what fits him better: Peace or maintenance of " constant common crisis ", in order to protect own interests? America did not terminate its things on the Balkans obviously yet, was determined in the comment.