BORDER SOLDIER IN NORDKAUKASIEN CREDIT NO PROBLEMS WITH MEDICAL CARE MOSCOW, 12 March. / Alexander Smotrow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Russian border soldiers do not have substantial difficulties with aerzlicher care in Nordkaukasien. Avowed major general the Anatoli Ketschin, boss of the military-medical administration of the Foederalen of border service, in the discussion with journalists. After its words the medical care of the Russian border soldiers of the ideal version is close, it exists however nevertheless problems. The general referred to the fact that the foederale border service has here certain possibilities, which are missing to the medical profession of other force structures. Among them it called Dispansaire and health center departments, which are based at border guards, in Kommandanturen and border departments. The medical profession undertake regular continuous investigations of the border soldiers and their relatives even, where there are no localities, explained general Ketschin. It expressed the medical services of other offices for force, in particular the Ministry of Defense and the ministry of the Interior, the thanks for the assistance with the medical care of the military members.