THE ARREST OF THE CHECHNIAN BANDITS IN BAKU IS A RESULT OF THE COMMON INTERNAL MESSAGE WITH THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF RUSSIA LONDON, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Kudassow). The arrest of the Chechnian bandits Ruslan Achmadow and Badrudi Murtasajew in the aserbaidshanischen capital Baku is a result of the internal message, which was executed in community with the ministry of the Interior of Russia. This avowed Sergej Jastrshembski, which is for the moment in London and involved in the three-lateral commission - a Nichtregierungsorganisation, in which considerable politicians and businessmen of the world united. The internal message started up the Russian ministry of the Interior. The advisor of the Russian president stressed that the Russian and the aserbaidshanische page had in this connection completely agreed. " we do not appreciate, there without this cooperating are it possible, in the north Caucasus the problems to be solve, which are connected, said with the defense of the terrorism and separatism " Jastrshembski. London pursues attentively the investigation of the case in connection with the entfuehrung and execution of the Britisher and the New Zealander by the Chechnian extremists. Therefore London can request additional material in connection with the arrest of the two leaders of the Chechnian terrorists. The Russian page will work according to the president advisor toward the fact that Great Britain extends the listing of the organizations, which fall under the law over the terrorism. Great Britain did not set as well known the Chechnian groups of terrorists on this list yet.