RUSSIAN RESCUE PARTIES SPACES MINES MOSCOW, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Juri Jumaschew). Group of the humanitarian mine clearing operation of the disaster protection Ministry of Russia began its work in the field of application in the Kosovo. The group consists of 24 pioneers and 8 mine trackhounds and operates for the moment intensive clearing-up, was reported from the pressedienst of the Ministry mentioned. The first field of application of the Russian pioneers is in the space of the settlement Vitina, in the east of the Kosovos. Meanwhile however the pioneers cannot vacate the area directly from mines, since the schneedecke did not thaw out yet. The Russian specialists are in the Kosovo on behalf of the UN Entminungszentrums in use. This time the coworkers of the Russian disaster control Ministry will operate according to John McFlenagan, director of the center mentioned, in the sector of the German Federal Republic on the boundary to Albania. The Russian humanitarian Entminungsgruppe altogether presumably remains in the Kosovo within 6 months. The feuerprobe existed the pioneers of this Ministry of the RF still 1999. At that time they defused more than 2,000 explosion-dangerous objects. In the previous year 22 pioneers of the disaster control Ministry checked altogether 36 mine fields on a surface of more than 155,000 square meters and defused almost 2,000 mines of different purpose and different caliber. That was an absolute record under the 16 ingeniertechnischen groups of pioneers of different countries, which took part to the Entminung in the Kosovo in the context of the UN center mentioned, stressed the pressedienst.