VICE-CPrime MINISTER OF POLAND BEGINS ITS RUSSIA ATTENDANCE WITH THE JOURNEY AFTER NISHNI NOWGOROD MOSCOW, 12 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jelena Gluschakowa /. the vice-prime minister and minister of economics Polens Janusz stone-hope begins on Monday his three-day-long work attendance in Russia with the journey after Nishni Nowgorod. That one indicated in the pressedienst to the message of Poland. In Nishni Nowgorod, where the days of the Polish trade take place at present, will stone-hope with the administration of the area and the city as well as entrepreneurs to meet. On Wednesday will stone-hope in Moscow to arrive, where it will meet with the Russian vice-prime minister Viktor Christenko. During the negotiations it will mainly go around it, where the piping " Jamal Europe " will run, underlined one in the pressedienst.