STATE DEPARTMENT OF THE RF REGARDS 10 MARCH THE ELECTIONS EXECUTED IN ABCHASIEN TO TO AS UNLEGITIM MOSCOW, 12 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The State Department of Russia regards on 10 March the elections executed in Abchasien (proclaimed republic on the territory Georgiens) into the organs of the local autonomy as unlegitim. As one indicated the RIA " Nowosti " in the Aussenministerum of the RF, these elections in an atmosphere of the unsettled Georgian abchasischen conflict and the forced stay of a considerable section of the population Abchasiens released thereby had taken place outside of its boundaries as refugees. Accordingly one does not judge the execution of such elections for unlegitim and for in the State Department of the RF in time, which do not contribute to the search for mutually acceptable solutions of problems by the rivaling pages, underlined one in the Russian office with regard to foreign policy.