OF IRAN PRESIDENT IN REPUBLIC TATARSTAN ONE EXPECTS KAZAN', 12 March (by RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Vladimir Schewtschuk). Of Iran president Mohammad Khatami, which arrived on Monday to an official attendance in Russia, on 15 March in Kazan', capital of the Russian partial republic Tatarstan at the Volga is expected. That indicated Timur Akulow, the Council of State responsible for international questions with the president Tatarstans and director of the office for foreign relations of the republic boss. Khatami is to arrive after its attendance in Moscow and St. Petersburg in Kazan'. In the last months guests from Iran had visited already twice Tatarstans capital. Over these Tatarstans president min timer Schaimijew would have let its verbal invitation transmit at of Iran president. Arrive Khatami to an information attendance in Kazan', it however by several Ministers of Iran, among them from the oil Minister, one accompany, determined Akulow. " Tatarstan has own interests with the development of oil fields in Iran ", determined Timur Akulow.