RESOLUTION OVER LIFTING THE U-BOOTS " KURSK " WOULD KNOW WITH THE NEXT RUSSIA EU SUMMIT SEIZED The HAGUE, 12 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Andrej Poskakuchin). A concrete resolution for the problem of lifting the submarine " Kursk " could be made with for March the planned Russia European Union summit in Stockholm. Like the Dutchman Rio Praaning, secretary of the international " Kursk" fund, opposite RIA Nowosti explained, could the differences of opinion between Russia and its international partners in the question of the financing of the operation for lifting the submarine be regulated there. The nature of these differences exists, thus Praaning, in different conceptions of a participation of Russia at the implementation of the ecological European Union program for the removal of the nuclear wastes in the northwest of Russia. The EU insists on the fact that Russia and the EU close first an agreement over this program and take afterwards on this basis the operation for lifting in August 2000 the submarine sunk in Anfriff. The Russian page explains, said Praaning, it nothing would have against a Junktim between lifting the " Kursk " and the program, it would like however first the western assistance for lifting the submarine to get and only thereafter with the ecological program deal with themselves. The Staatsduma supports the agreement over the implementation of the program, determined Praaning, while the EU affirms its readiness to help Russia with lifting the submarine " Kursk " as soon as the Staatsduma gives its agreement for the agreement. Praaning expressed hope that of Russia would make president Vladimir Putin with the forthcoming Russia European Union summit in Stockholm a declaration, which would open a compromise between Russia and its partners to enable and to an imminent accommodation of the operation to lifting the " Kursk " the way. Praaning is the view that the west would supply immediately not the termination of the procedure in the Staatsduma to a formal approval of the agreement to be waiting and for lifting the " Kursk " to necessary means, should Putin Russia agreement for parallel lifting of the submarine and the implementation of the program of the dumping of the nuclear wastes give. At the vortag of Russia vice-prime minister Ilja Klebanow had indicated the fact that lifting the sunk submarine in view of the delay of the signing of a contract between head offices the design engineering department ruby in St. Petersburg, in which the submarine, and which international consortium, which is to take over a lifting, on end of the summer or at the beginning of the autumn is shifted. Klebanow attributed to difficulties with the finding of the necessary means. Praaning, which coordinates the mobilization of the means of western states for the operation for lifting the " Kursk ", explained: " either the western countries will supply the necessary 50 per cent of the total necessary for the operation, or will give it at all no cash ". He meant with it that this total was to amount to at least 70 million US Dollar, during Russia according to the declarations/agreements obtained before one half - 35 million dollar - will supply.