FORUM " HIGH TECHNOLOGIES OF THE DEFENSE COMPLEX " BEGINS IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, 12 March (by RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Eduard Pusyrjow). The 2nd international forum " high technologies of the defense complex " begins on today's Monday in Moscow. Like Alexander Jermolajew, line secretary of the organizing committee of the forum, opposite RIA Nowosti indicated, approximately 250 institutions from 22 regions of the country alone from Russia to the participation in the symposium had announced themselves - approximately twice as much as at the 1. Forum 2000. In the conference additionally scientists and production managers from the foreign country will participate. During the preparation of the forum 2001 special attention of strengthening the intergovernmental and between-regional relations, to the mobilization of potential investors for native production, applied the application of particularly interesting and effective new developments for the defense industry and civilian production. As Jermolajew said, in the course of every four days of the forum presentations of investment projects and technologies in the industries " air and space travel " would take place among other things, " energy industry ", " biotechnologies ". Parallel a specialized exhibition of production samples will run.