ADMIRAL IGOR KASATONOW BECOMES THE ELECTORAL COMMITTEE OVER HIS PARTICIPATION IN THE ELECTIONS OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE PRIMORJE REGION NOTIFICATION WLADIWOSTOK, 12 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Anatoli Iljuchow /. the admiral Igor Kasatonow, former first deputy of the commander in chief of the naval warfare fleet of Russia, arrives today in Wladiwostok. It has the intention of informing the electoral committee of the Primorje region about its participation in the elections of the governor of this region. That one indicated the RIA to " Nowosti " at the Primorje department of the totalRussian movement for fleet support, which had set up Igor Kasatonow as a governor candidate. Igor Kasatonow was born in Wladiwostok in the family of the admiral Wladimir Kasatonow, hero of the Soviet Union. Like the father he dedicated his life to the fleet and traveled the way from the naval officer school candidate to the first deputy of the commander in chief. Already 12 candidates informed the region electoral committee about their participation in the elections of the governor of the Primorje region. For the registration as a candidate with the elections of the governor of the Primorje region, which are publicized for 27 May, it is necessary to collect and to the region electoral committee submit 15,000 signatures for the support.