OSZE CONSULTATION FOR SITUATION WITH THE PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS IN EUROPE BEGINS IN VIENNA VIENNA, 12 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Borislaw Petschnikow). A two-day consultation of the organization for security and co-operation in Europe (OSZE) to the situation mti the protection of the human rights in the totalEuropean region will begin on today's Monday in the Viennese yard castle. The main topic of the agenda is the guarantee of the fundamental rights on the open expression of opinion and the activity of different mass media in Europe, primarily in the crisis regions. The users of the meeting will discuss additionally problems of functioning the national mechanisms of the guarantee of the liberty of opinion and their agreement with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro standards and the international standards. The target of the meeting exists in the formulation of recommendations for the application of the regulations and assertions assumed by the 55 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro member countries. In the consultation in Vienna among other things of Russia delegation boss Alexander Jakowenko, director of the information and press office of the State Department of Russia, as well as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro representative for the medium liberty, Freimuth Duve, and the undersecretary of state of the State Department of Romania, which leads at present into the OSZE the presidency, will seize Minea Motoc, the word.