OVER MEANING OF THE MOSCOW ATTENDANCE OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT MOSCOW, 12 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The Moscow attendance of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami beginning today has a significant meaning in the relations between the two countries. It does not depend only on the fact that this is the first attendance of the Iranian president on such a level in the history of the relations of the Russian federation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the new conception for the foreign policy of the RF, which was communicated in previous July, Iran is called as one the main partner of Russia. To an active partnership Moscow and Teheran pushes the dynamically developing situation in an expanded region, which the large Caucasus, which Kaspiraum, central Asia, Afghanistan and finally the Near East enter, where Russia and Iran have historically their more frequent corresponding national interests. Many experts in Moscow and Teheran stress that " Russia and Iran are condemned, mean to the production of the strategic partnership " like Andrej Nikolajew, chairman of the Staatsduma committee for defense, is situated it in the interest of Russia to have in shape of Iran a strong state in southern direction. Teheran is for his part the view that " Russia is an important partner and a good neighbour of Iran, with which one all-round relations in the interest of the peoples of the two countries develop must ". After words of the highranking Iranian diplomat Hamidrsa Asafi " Iran sees the process of strengthening Russian-Iranian co-operation on as stabilizing factor of security and the peace in the expanded region of the world ". At the same time, experts of the two countries stress, are approaching it for Russia and Iran to use the available possibilities for the development of bilateral co-operation. After their words the level of the commercialeconomic relations does not correspond by far to the status of political cooperating. Thus the foreign trade conversion between Russia and Iran amounted according to official specification in the year 2000 to 600 million US Dollar. As however Ambassador Irans in the RF Mehdi Safari means, the two countries have a potential to bring the level of yearly turnover sales alone on the area of oil and natural gas on 1 to 2 billion dollar. Not of approximate the contract over bases of the mutual relations and principles of co-operation will become the main document, which the presidents of the two countries will sign. It will carry a framework character and will not remove the today valid bilateral government contracts. The lines of business of the two countries connect plans with the signing of this document for the extension and recess of co-operation in economics, finances and trade. According to their opinion " the attendance will lend Khatamis of the development of the Russian-Iranian relations into this to areas a new impulse ". The presidents will sign also common assertions over strategic stability, over fight against the terrorism, over international security and will express their adjustment to such problems such as nichtweiterverbreitung of nuclear weapons, adherence to the ABM contract from the year 1972, extension to the East of NATO and role of the UN in the international arena as well as to current regional problems.