OF RUSSIA A PRESIDENT ADVISOR SPEAKING BECOMES IN LONDONER SESSION OF THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION LONDON, 12 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent sergej Kudassow). Of Russia president advisor Sergej Jastrschembski on Monday in a conference of the trilateral commission in London will presumably speak. That indicated the apparatus of Jastrschembski. Jastrschembskis speech is to take place according to the program in a plenary session. To the annual conference of the trilateral commission taking place in London many considerable politicians and businessmen from the industrialized countries arrive. The 1973 commission educated by David Rockefeller and Zbignew Brzezinski are to offer conditions for various consultations between influential representatives of the industrialized countries of the world. The commission calls itself " trilaterally ", because it discusses problems of the USA, of Europe udn Asia.