TO THE RUSSIA ATTENDANCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) On Monday the Russia attendance beginning of of Iran president Hohammad Khatami is to lend a new impulse to the development of bilateral co-operation within all areas. Official Verteter of the external offices of both countries in the apron of the arrival of the Iranian president in Moscow expressed this opinion. As RIA Nowosti experienced out well informed sources in the Russian State Department, it was to come with the negotiations between Mohammad Khatami and Russia Praesdient Vladimir Putin to a detailed exchange of views to problems of the development of the Russian-Iranian relations, perspectives of the bilateral Zusamemnarbeit into trade and economics as well as to problems of an international and regional character. After the words of the Russian diplomats the signing of a set of documents is expected, among them a contract over the bases of the relations and the principles of co-operation as well as common assertions for the problem of the terrorism, the international safetyness and strategic stability. Mohammad Khatami arrives at the Monday morning in Moscow. On the same day it will meet with of Russia president Vladimir Putin as well as with of Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow and Aussenminister Igor Iwanow will negotiate. For tomorrow's Tuesday attendance are planned in the flight guidance center in the city Koroljow with Moscow, the Muscovite national university for international relations and the Muscovite national university. On the same day Khatami will meet with the line of the industriellen and trade association of Russia and a conversation with the Voristzenden of the Mufti advice, Rawil Gainutdin, will hold. Planned also a meeting with Patriarch Alexi II. of Moscow and whole Russia is in its residence in St. Daniel monastery. For Wednesday a meeting with the Staatsduma chairman Gennadi Selesnjow and a speech before the delegates of the Russian House of Commons are intended. On the same day Khatami will further-travel after St. Petersburg and from there at the Wednesday evening to Kazan'. The return after Teheran is planned for 15 March.