CROATIA MINISTER OF ECONOMICS BECOMES ABOUT OIL TRANSIT IN MOSCOW SPEAKING BELGRADE, 12 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). An economic delegation of Croatia under line of the minister of economics Goranko Fizulic will arrive on today's Monday in Moscow, in order to agree upon with Russian colleagues a crude oil transit over the Adriati oil pipeline. Thereby a meeting of the delegation will be particularly important in the agency for export quotas, which gives permission for the export of concrete quantities of oil to the Russian oil companies. Meetings with representatives of the society Lukoil, which has the largest export quotas, are intended. Croatia would like from Lukoil approximately ten million crude oil to get, which transported, over the Adriati pipeline, 80 million dollar gain to bring could. With Lukoil the delegation wants to speak also about the sales of equipment for oil refineries. The Adriati oil pipeline, over which approximately 35 million tons oil can be carried in the year, is at present only fewer to than a quarter of their capacities working at full capacity.