EGYPTIAN BUSINESS PEOPLE MUBARAK WITH ITS MOSCOW ATTENDANCE ACCOMPANYING CAIRO, 12 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Igor Markow). A large group of Egyptian businessmen and industrieller will come in coming spring together with Agyptens president to Moscow. As RIA Nowosti from Egyptian diplomatic sources experienced, strengthening and extension of relations between both countries in economics and trade in the focal point of the discussion with the next session of the Russian-Egyptian government commission will be, that will take place voraussischtlich in the apron of the Moscow attendance Hosni Mubaraks. While a telephone call, which took place on Sunday between WLadimir Putin and Hosni Mubarak, bilateral relations and the newest taper in became the Near East discussed. it was said the two heads of state " discussed development perspectives for the situation in the filled Palestinian areas after the publication of the final Bildugn of the new government of Israel ".