MOSCOW TO CONSTRUCTIONAL DIALOG WITH LITAUEN READY MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Russia is ready for a constructional dialog with Litauen. That comes out from a message of Russian president Vladimir Putin to the litauischen head of state Valdas Adamkus, announced the pressedienst of the Kremlin on Sunday. In the message the readiness of Moscow for a constructional Russian litauischen dialog is stated like also for the development of the bilateral relations in the spirit of the good neighbourhood and mutually favourable co-operation with consideration of the legitimate interests of the other one. Furthermore Putin expressed hope for the fact that the forthcoming Russian litauischen negotiations on highest level will contribute to the further approximation between Russia and Litauen. It concerns a retort writing of the Russian president. The messages were exchanged in the apron of an attendance of the litauischen president in Russia, who takes place on 29.-31 March of this yearly.