DANISH MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS IS LYKKETOFT IN MOSCOW A WEIEN SET OF QUESTIONS TO THE LANGUAGE BRINGING MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The Danish minister of foreign affairs Mogens Lykketoft, which comes on this Monday to a work attendance to Moscow, will bring a far set of questions to the language. As RIA " Nowosti " experienced on Sunday from diplomatic sources in the Russian capital, it concerns itself particularly around questions of strategic security, including the USA plans for list eiens national anti-missile defense system (NMD) and for the building of a radar station on Greenland. Moscow is the opinion that Denmark can include itself into a process, which entails the dangerous violation of strategic stability should Copenhagen these plans agree. Even if the position on the Balkans and problems of the development of the relations of Denmark with northwest regions of Russia are discussed, so to the area Kaliningrad (once king mountain). Moscow states large interest in the relations of Copenhagen with the Baltic republics, among them also regarding the support of its entry to NATO by Denmark. The Russian page is determined to state their negative adjustment to the NATO extension to the East again. The high Danish guest meets among other things with vice-head of the government Viktor Christenko and minister of foreign affairs Igor Iwanow. The signing of any documents is not intended.