SESSION OF THE COUNCIL OF STATE OF THE RUSSIAN-CByelorussian UNION TO 2 APRIL TO MOSCOW CALLING UP MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Schischlo). The first session of the Council of State of the Russian-Byelorussian union in this year was called up into 2 April to Moscow. That indicated Igor Seliwanow, acting undersecretary of state of the union state, on Sunday in Moscow. On the agenda of the session would be five to six questions, under it the acknowledgement of the household of the union state for this year, which had been assumed in the parliamentary meeting of the union on 2 March 2001. Planned also cultural events are, those that 5. Apply to anniversary of the establishment of the Russian-Byelorussian union. Seliwanow did not exclude that in the ceremonies from this cause the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukaschenko participate.