IN THE WEST SOURCES OF THE SUPPLY OF THE TERRORISTS ARE WELL-KNOWN IN CHECHNYA WITH MONEYS AND WEAPONS LONDON, 11 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Grigori Jawlinski, director/conductor of the movement " Jabloko ", explained that one would welcome specification concerning the sources of the supply of the terrorists in Chechnya and central Asia with moneys and weapons, which it could receive from the west in Russia. That had explained Jawlinski in a memorandum, which was spread on Sunday among the users of the conference of the " trilateral commission " in London. That is a non-governmental forum, in which many outstanding politicians and businessmen are united. As it means in the document, it is unclear, to what extent well one is informed in the west about the fact that the criminal groupings in Chechnya and central Asia in the period of 1996 to 1999 were able it / not without assistance from the outside / for setting up a large number of illegal armed formations which represent a serious danger for security in Usbekistan, Tadshikistan and Kirgisien. Grigori Jawlinski suggested in this connection that western countries in the fight against the terrorism with Russia should co-operate.