SERBIA EDUCATED A COMMITTEE FOR THE REGULATION OF THE CRISIS IN THE SOUTH OF THE REPUBLIC BELGRADE, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). In Serbia on the government level a coordination committee was put for the regulation of the crisis in the south of the republic, in which the Albanian separatists activated itself. The headquarters of the committee is in the city Bujanovac. That is the center one of the areas in southern Serbia, in which primarily the Albanians live. From the pressedienst of the committee " Nowosti " was reported opposite the RIA that it is authorized to check the Serbian and Yugoslav security forceses globally which are introduced to this " buffer zone " between the Kosovo and actual Serbia. The committee will acknowledge the plans of action of the Serbian police and units of the Yugoslav army in this region and will direct the force structures during the conversion of these plans. The committee has also to protect the information supply. Only the committee is entitled to deliver messages and assertions over the situation in the crisis region.