THE US ADMINISTRATION BEHAVES OPPOSITE RUSSIA LIKE THE " HIGHEST JUDGE " MOSCOW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Schischlo). The US administration behaves like the " highest judge " opposite Russia and unites functioning office holders, avowed Igor Seliwanow, acting undersecretary of state of the union state of Russia and white Russia, on Sunday before the journalists. The new US administration probably feels a strong demand, Russia according to it and unites other countries " teachings to give ", which could not afford the past American leadership. In the thing of the undersecretary of state of the union State of Pawel Borodin arrested in the USA " a rather strong political component is visible ", said Seliwanow. Meanwhile is not it clearly, how long the negotiation will persist. This handicapped however substantially the work of the constant committee of the union state, which leads Borodin and which is a work organ of the union cabinet, determined Seliwanow. In its response to the question, whether the constant committee examined, by which channels the invitation was received at Borodin for inauguration in the USA, said Igor Seliwanow that she was regarded evenly as invitation to the undersecretary of state. Pawel Borodin in New York on 18 January upon the request of the Swiss authorities to be arrested, to that offences against the Swiss laws to the load be put. The highranking official is for the moment in the remand centre Brooklin and waits for its distribution.