KIEWER STUDENT CLOSING THE BUILDING BY STRIKE OF THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF THE UKRAINE KIEW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Viktor Demidenko). More than 100 Kiewer students close the building by strike of the ministry of the Interior of the Ukraine. They require to dismiss on 9 March the illegally held users of the protest action immediately " Ukraine without Kutschma ". The legal protection organs held 203 users of the protest action to Friday, who tried, to storm the seat of the president of the Ukraine Leonid Kutschma. About 4,000 persons took part Inge velvet in the removal. To the arresting members of the ultranationalistischen Ukrainian organization " UNA UNSO " as well as student of the universities from Kiew and Lwow belong.