TALIBAN MEADOWS THE REQUEST OF THE UN-CSecretary-cGeneral BACK TO STOP DESTRUCTION OF BUDDHISTI STATUES ISLAMABAD, 11 March. / Vladimir Schreter, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Taliban are not the personal request of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to stop the destruction of the buddhistischen statues in Afghanistan followed. The avowed Wakil Ahmad Mutawakil, minister of foreign affairs of the Taliban government, after the negotiations with the UN Secretary-General and representatives of the State Department of Pakistan. Mutawakil, which had arrived in Islamabad particularly to the meeting with Kofi Annan, explained: " the question over the destruction of the statues is expressed one internal affair of the Islamic emirate Afghanistan. " The existence of such Idole contradicts the Islamic laws, therefore the verdict of the religious director/conductor of the Taliban Mullah Omar is fulfilled to Mutawakil in its entirety - so.