POSITIONS OF RUSSIA AND THE WTO COUNTRIES OVER TARIFF POLICY APPROACHED ON MOSCOW, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondenten Nadeshda Anissimowa and Alexander Iwastschenko /. the positions of Russia and the member countries of the world trade organization (WTO) over tariff policy approximated lately. The avowed Maxim Medwedkow, deputy Minister for economic development and trade of the RF. After its words already about 30 per cent import tariff-corrode with the World Trade Organization member countries agreed. With further 40 per cent common Herangehen appeared, and with remaining 30 per cent exist to today substantial diversities of opinion. Medwedkow emphasized that the diversities of opinion mainly import tariff-corrode for furniture, beer, Pharmazeutik, machines and equipment, chemical products, alcohol and goods concern, which belong themselves to the agrarian's group. The major task of Russia remains according to opinion of the deputy Minister the preservation of max. flexibility of the tariff policy at the same time. Maxim Medwedkow stressed that we cannot actively precede on the negotiations over tariff policy, as long as we do not know, which additional obligations Russia upon the entry for the WTO are offered.