IN THE GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA MAN ONE MEANS THAT THE PLANS OF THE STAATSDUMA TO EXPRESS THE VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE AGAINST CABINET INTO THE AREA OF POLITICAL PLAYS HEARING MOSCOW, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In the government of Russia one means that the plans of some parliamentary groups of the Staatsduma (House of Commons of the parliament) belong, to express the vote of no confidence against the cabinet into the area of political plays. The avowed journalists the Andrej Korotkow, director/conductor of the section government information. We cannot observe naturally that participateless. But on the other hand belonged what occurs in the Duma, rather into the area of political plays, underlined Korotkow. After its words the events in the Staatsduma under any circumstances the work the government of Russia will not affect. The vote of no confidence against the government started up the communist party of Russia, which puts the ineffective restaurant course to the cabinet of the prime minister Kassjanow to the load. But to a entstabilisierenden factor of the general political situation in the country the position of the Kremlin-friendly parliamentary group became " Jedinstwo " (unit), which had explained that she can support the vote of no confidence, in order to obtain the dissolution of the Staatsduma and the execution of the preferred elections in Russia.