RUSSIA BECOMES AGREEMENT OVER INFORMATION EXCHANGE IN THE TRAINING SYSTEM BETWEEN GUS COUNTRIES SIGNING MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The Russian government decided to sign an agreement over the exchange of information in the training system with the other member countries of the community of independent States of (GUS). That indicated the office for information of the cabinet on Sunday. To the GUS twelve former union republics belong. In agreement with the design of the agreement, which was already approved of by the advice of the GUS ministers of foreign affairs, the governments of the user countries want to be exchanged information in the training system as also during the out and further training of scientific personnel regularly. The pages will take also the question under the magnifying glass, which concerns the education of an intergovernmental information center (agency), which will be responsible for the spreading of relevant materials. The agreement is closed for five years and extended automatically for the next five years, if user countries do not make other resolution. The document is open for other states.