SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE KALJUSCHNY TRAVELS ON MONDAY TO KAZAKHSTAN MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). **time-out** Russia minister of foreign affairs Viktor Kaljuschny, representative the Russian president for problem the Kaspischen sea, travel to this Monday to a attendance after Kazakhstan. Kaljuschny will participate in the second round of bilateral negotiations for the determination of the legal status of the Kaspi sea. After Kaljuschnys words the emphasis is put on the determination of the method for pulling dividing lines. An appropriate bilateral agreement had been obtained between Russia and Kazakhstan in one of the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nasarbajew, signatory agreements. " the drawing of this dividing line is already the second stage with the solution of the problem of the determination of the status of waters ", said Kaljuschny. Besides the pages will bring the affiliation of some disputed areas to the language. It concerns among other things three islands, on which both Russia and Kazakhstan raise requirement. " to be discussed also questions, which concern, said the preparation on a summit of the neighboring states of the Kaspi sea called up into the at the beginning of of April " the special representative.