BAKU TRANSFERRED THE CHECHNIAN TERRORISTS OF THE RUSSIAN PAGE MOSCOW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Chechnian terrorists Ruslan Achmadow and Badrudi Murtasajew, which were arrested in Baku, were in the area Aserbaidshans with false documents of identification, were reported from the head office for the fight of the organized crime of the ministry of the Interior of the RF. In the administration it was stated that the arrest took place in the context of the global search measures, which and active users of the Chechnian bandit formations, under it also such leaders are to determine the refuge in the states bordering on Russia to have found. Ruslan Achmadow, one of the supervisors and leaders of the criminal community of the brothers Achmadow, and Badrudi Murtasajew, also a member of the unlegitimen armed formations and one the aid of the terrorist leader Schamil Bassajew, were arrested in Baku by the coworkers of the ministry of the Interior of Russia in cooperating with the chief public prosecutor's office Aserbaidshans. Ruslan Achmadow organized since 1996 together with its leiblichen brothers Ramsan, Alti, Reswan and other takings of hostages, in order to get ransom, and took part directly in these entfuehrungen. Thus they kidnapped more woman employees of the international one of ecological center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as the citizens from Great Britain, New Zealand and other countries to than 30 persons, under it also the Polish citizen Sofia Fischer Malanowska and their colleague Ewa Marchwinska Wyrwal. The aforementioned administration of the ministry of the Interior of Russia determined altogether 34 cases, in which the members of this criminal community kidnapped and as hostages kept humans illegal. Ruslan Achmadow besides is suspected three hostages to have deliberately murdered. It belongs to those, which organized the supply of the unlegitimen armed formations in Chechnya with cash, weapons and ammunition, and took part also in the preparation and execution of the subversions and acts of terrorism in the area of the republic.