BELGRADE CONDEMNED THE REFUSAL OF THE FEUEREINSTELLUNG BY ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS BELGRADE, 11 March. / Sergej Rjabikin, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the refusal of the Albanian extremists, who operate in the south of Serbia, to sign an agreement over the feuereinstellung is a large omission. The avowed vice-prime minister of Serbia Nebojsa Covic. After its words the Albanians, who live in this region, in their majority support peace and normal life. Also the Serbs require the same here. All the document designates, which on Saturday be signed should, of which Albanian extremists however in the last moment as " unacceptably " one rejected, said Covic. From its view that is nothing different one than Verhoehnung of the inhabitants of a whole region by a small group of extremists. Belgrade had made all concessions and stressed thus the world community convinced of its striving for a peaceful settlement of the crisis, the Serbian vice-prime minister.