GEMEINDEWAHLEN IN LETTLAND RIGA, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Anatoli Baranowski /. in Lettland today the gemeindewahlen take place. New compositions of 552 organs of the autonomy are selected: Municipality district advice, city and Kreisdumas. The tuning in 938 polling stations began at 7.00 o'clock local time. According to specification of the head offices electoral committee the tuning takes place quite actively and in calm atmosphere. In the elections only the citizens Lettlands take part. Almost a quarter of its population - 540,000 Nichtletten, former citizens of the USSR - have no right to vote. Briefly before the elections the lettische parliament rejected a further mark the suggestion of the opposition from the left to grant to the Nichtbuergern the right to participate in the local elections.