OF RUSSIA PRIME MINISTER: WITHOUT SPACE RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ECONOMY IS NOT POSSIBLE MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korresopndent Dmitri Snamenski). Without space research today the development of the science and the technologies is not conceivable, without results of the activities of humans in the cosmos can one also the development of the economy with difficulty present. Avowed of Russia Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow on Sunday in a session of the organizing committee for the preparation of meetings on the occasion of 40. Anniversary of the first space flight of humans. After the words of the head of the government the development is practically all industries of the national economy connected with the development of the Kosmonautik. The achievements in this area were applied within the strategic areas, primarily in the defense area of the country. Kasjanow called dne flight Juri Gagarins a hero act, which impressed ale peoples of the world. The 40. Anniversary of this flight would have to be committed in such a way that this anniversary becomes, stressed " an important celebration for of Russia citizens " Mikhail Kasjanow.