SUMMIT OF THE KASPISEE NEIGHBORS WOULD KNOW A FAILING MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) Particular agents presidents of Russia for problems Kaspi sea, vice-minister of foreign affairs Viktor Kaljuschny, does not exclude that could fail the summit of the Kaspisee neighbors, with which it was to concern the right status of waters planned for at the beginning of April. Like it in a press conference explained, " has Moscow understanding for the arguments of the Iranian page, which had asked, the summit in view of on tomorrow's Monday the Moscow attendance beginning of the president of Iran to shift ". After its words the which is applicable shift of the attendance witnesses " of the fact that the topicality of the problem diminishes ". Additionally the time schedules of all heads of state are extremely strained and let a date, which would satisfy all pages, with difficulty find, so Kaljuschny.