COURT DECISION AGAINST GROUP OF TERRORISTS BECOMES UNTIL THE END OF NEXT WEEK PLEASES MACHATSCHKALA, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Dekabr Bejbutow). The court decision against a group of accused, who is accused of a block of flats in the city Buinaksk to have blown up becomes presumably at the next weekend or at the beginning of next week pleases. That indicated the judge of the highest court Dagestans, Baguschi Unscholow, which leads the presidency with the process. The process persisting since more as three months to the explosion in the house in Buinaksk on 4 September 1999, at which 58 persons had been died and hurt more than 100 inhabitants, is briefly before the termination. At the tomorrow's Mortag the accused Issa and Sainutdin (father and son) will get Sainutdinow as well as Machatsch Abdussamedow the last word. How already reports, the national prosecutor had required the death penalty for Sainutdinow rudder and in each case 20 years penal colony for the two different. The remaining three that altogether six accused, who is accused of all of the participation in the organization and execution of an act of terrorism, had denied their participation in the act of terrorism in their last word on 6 March despite the available proofs. The accused Alisultan Salichow the death penalty threatens, for the accused Abdulkadyr Abdulkadyrow 25 years and for Magomed Magomedow 20 years detention was required. After the last word of the two Sainutdinow and Abdusamedow the court will withdraw itself for the discussion of the judgement.