EX GOVERNOR OF PRIMORJE DOES NOT BECOME WITH NEXT GOVERNOR ELECTIONS ANY MORE STANDING AS A CANDIDATE WLADIWOSTOK, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Anatoli Iljuchow). The administration of the president of Russia will support the first deputy of the authorized assigned one of the head of state in the remoteeastern federation district, with the next elections of the governor of the region Primorje in the Russian far east Gennadi Apanassenko. This opinion expressed the ex governor of the region, Jewgeni Nasdratenko, in Wladiwostok. Nasdratenko, which had been appointed briefly after the resignation of the governor office the boss of the national committee of Russia for the fishery economy, explained, he did not want to stand as a candidate with the elections of the boss of the executive power of the region. " I gave, stressed my word for it to the president of Russia " the former governor of the region. The governor elections in Primorje are to take place on 27 May of this yearly. 12 candidates for this office already announced themselves, among them the political Opponenten of Jewgeni Nasdratenko - the general manager of the high sea-shipping company of Primorje, Alexander Kirilitschew, and the former mayor von Wladiwostok Viktor Tscherepkow, today a Staatsduma delegate.