SHARON: ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT INTO AREAS RETURNING CONTROLLED BY PALESTINIANS TEL AVIV, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Andrej Prawow). Israel intends to return to the areas which are under Palestinian check, it wants in addition, not from these to lock itself off on one side. The avowed new Israeli Prime Minister Ariel the Sharon. After its words the idea is to distinguish itself from the territories of the Palestinian autonomy on one side " simply unrealistically ", because the boundary is long over 700 kilometers and can be protected extremely with difficulty. To manufacture a " electronic fence " between the Palestinian areas and Israel the former prime minister Ehud Barak had submitted the suggestion. A memorandum is possible only on the basis of bilateral agreements, determined Ariel Sharon. It stressed also the intention of leading a compromiseless fight against the Palestinian terrorist organizations. Meanwhile the situation remains in the areas of the Palestinian autonomy further strained. At the passed night in the West Jordan territory and in the Gaza Strip new shootings between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers were registered.