HIGHEST COURT OF RUSSIA REQUESTED DOCUMENTS TO THE ACCUSATION OF FIVE TERRORISTS FROM KARATSCHAJEWO TSCHERKESSIEN TSCHERKESSK, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korespondent Valeri Olijantschuk). The highest court of Russia requested the case documents with the highest court of the Caucasian partial republic Karatschajewo Tscherkessijen over the accusation of five inhabitants, who are accused of, acts of terrorism in some cities of the country, among them also in Moscow to have prepared. Like Iwan Nesterenko, member of the highest court of the republic, indicated, are the documents in connection with the demand to the accused and their lawyers to let the case treat by a jury for check requested. Should be corresponded to the demand, the process in another region would take place, because there are no juries in Karatschajewo Tscherkessien. The process had begun on 26 February in Tscherkessk. Afterwards it presumably became on the 1. March decade shifted, because the accused was not brought in time from the Muscovites remand after Tscherkessk. All five accused had let itself be trained in Wahhabiten stocks on the territory of Chechnya. They took part in illegal armed formations and prepared explosive impacts together with the terrorists Gotschijajew and Krymschamchalow, which are to be placed in the context of a special taut ALL before court, indicated Nesterenko.