UN WARNS OF GLOBAL BSE DANGER MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.). The international public and the specialists before the threat of a global BSE spreading warn the food and agriculture program of the UN. That indicated the general manager of the Russian national fund for the consumer protection, Alexander Kalinin, opposite RIA Nowosti. After his words exist today the danger of the BSE spreading not only in Europe, but also in Asia, in the Near East and in North Africa. According to specification of the fund already 15 Staten would have imposed a moratorium over the import of beef from the countries, in which outbreaks of the BSE epidemic disease were registered. In addition belong Great Britain, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. BSE (also " mad cow disease " mentioned) had been registered for the first time forwards six and a half years in Great Britain. The illness meets cattle at the age over 30 months. BSE represents a deadly danger for humans.