A FIFTH OF THE PRODUCTION OF MUSCOVITE SURROUNDING COUNTRYSIDE IS ALLOTTED TO SMALL EMPLOYERS MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) The Duma of the area Moscow, the legislative meeting Muscovites of the surrounding countryside, assumed a program of the development and support of small employers in this region for the years 2001 and 2002. According to specification of the government of the area the region counted yearly passed after the status of the end more than 37,000 small businesses with insgesammt 440,000 persons employed, which constitutes 18 per cent of the total number of the employed persons of the area. The small businesses manufactured products in a total value of approximately 50 billion rouble or 1.9 billion US Dollar - 21 per cent of the entire produktionsumfangs of the Muscovite surrounding countryside. The national support of small employers in the area takes place since 1997. In the past space the number of the small businesses rose by 25 per cent and the number of the persons employed in these enterprises by 45 per cent. In opinion of the power structures of the area however this Wirtschaftsektor is not yet sufficiently developed. In the European Union countries escapes about 45 to 50 small businesses to 1000 inhabitants, during in the Muscovite surrounding countryside only five.