PAKISTAN DID NOT KNOW THE TALIBAN CONVINCING, ON DESTRUCTION OF PRAEISLAMI MONUMENTS TO RENOUNCEMENTS ISLAMABAD, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Vladimir Schreter failed /. the attempt of the Minister of the Interior Pakistans Moinuddin Hayder to check the religious leader of the Taliban to convince Mulla Omar the decision over destruction of praeislamischer monuments on the territory of Afghanistan. A set of Weltleader, including the guidance of some Islamic states, turned to Pakistan with the request to use its influence on the Taliban so that check the latter its decision over destruction of historical monuments, the common property of whole mankind is. Pakistan is one of the three states of the world, which diplomatic relations with the Taliban regime has. On statement of the head of state Pakistans, general Pervaiz Musharraf the Minister of the Interior of Pakistan Moinuddin Hayder had arrived on Saturday in Kandahar (in this Afghan city is the headquarters of the Taliban regime), that in accordance with press release of the Ministry for information of Pakistan of the Taliban the " concern of the government and the people of Pakistan as well as the world community, including a whole set of Islamic states, around which met decision over destruction of statues expressed ". Mulla Omar explained that the decision of the Taliban is not subject to the examination, then this " concerns questions of the religion as well as is the internal affair of the Islamic emirate Afghanistan ". Members of the delegation of Pakistan, which Hayder accompany, indicated the journalists that the Taliban guidance had informed them about the destruction of two gigantic Buddha figures in the province Bamian to a quarter. According to other specification these statues are already practically completely destroyed.