SIGNING OF THE DOCUMENT OVER ADJUSTMENT OF THE COLLISIONS BETWEEN ALBANIANS UDN SERBIAN FORCES SHIFTED BELGRADE, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Alexander Slabynko). Representatives of Albanians in south Serbia did not agree the NATO plan over the adjustment of the armed collisions in this space. That indicated the Yugoslav Minister for national and ethnical communities, Rasim Ljajic, on Saturday evening after its short meeting with the special representative of the NATO Secretary-General, Pieter Feith, before journalists. How Ljajic determined, the Albanian page would have required a shift of negotiations, in order to get time for consultations. He expressed the opinion at the same time that the agreement is obtained over the armistice still before coming Monday. The consultations of the Serbian and the Albanian page with the particular agent of the NATO Secretary-General were continued. " until Monday we would not only know concrete Ergebnise regarding the termination of an agreement over the armistice, but also over the introduction of Yugoslav forces to the security zone obtain ", stressed the Minister. The special representative of the NATO Secretary-General, Pieter Feith, had negotiated before the meeting with Ljajic with the bosses of the so-called release levers of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. As was reported from Bujanovac, it refused each expression before journalists and looked unique dissatisfied like the meeting with Yugoslav official personalities. The armed collisions between the Albanian terrorists as well as army and police units of Yugoslavia persisted practically whole Saturday.