FROM FOREIGN COUNTRY " HACKER ATTACKS " WERE UNDERTAKEN ON SITE OF THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA IN THE INTERNET MOSCOW, 7 March. / Olga Semjonowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. round 50 Prozenz of the 30 " hacker attacks " on the Site of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin, which had been undertaken on passed Tuesday during the execution of the conference of Internet with the target to defeat them were allotted to the foreign country. That was indicated to agency for government connection and information in the administration external relations of the Foederalen with the president of the RF / FAPSI / opposite the RIA " Nowosti ". As the speaker of this office determined, not one case of the penetration in the network was certified owing to the measures taken by the specialists of the FAPSI. The chairman of the FAPSI reminded of the fact that such attempts had been also in former times undertaken to defeat a press conference of Russian prominent representatives in the Internet. During the similar press conference of the first president of Russia Boris Yel'tsin approximately 20 " hacker attacks " were repelled.