STAATSDUMA RUSSIA ASSUMED OF PRESIDENT THE BROUGHT IN BILL OVER THE TEXT OF THE HYMNE MOSCOW, 7 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Staatsduma of the RF assumed the bill brought in by the president in the third, final reading over the text of the Staatshymne to verses of Sergej Michalkow. How the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent announces, 345 House of Commons delegates have been correct for it and 19 against it, one contained of the voice. For the adoption of resolutions 300 voices were necessary. The bill is now to the federation council, which upper house of the parliament, are passed on. With the discussion of the bill Alexander Kotenkow, authorized person representative of the president called the delegates in the Staatsduma, to make at the verses of Sergej Michalkow no corrections. " it is impossible to amend an author text by corrections ", explained it. Kotenkow referred to the fact that the word " in the text written by Michalkow will leave God " should. Some delegates turned against it and argued with the fact that God was present only in the Christian religion. " I can explain myself in agreement with such criticism not ", said Kotenkow, " God am present in all religions, the Jewish, mosleminischen and rechtglaeubigen, ".