IN APRIL YEARLY COMPANY MEETING OF THE RAO EES ROSSII PLACE FINDS MOSCOW, 7 March. / Natalja Schmonowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. on the agenda of the yearly company meeting of the RAO EES Rossii (" data link of Russia "), which on 28 April in Konakowo is executed, the question over the new election of the chairman of the board of the society one did not set. That was indicated the RIA " Nowosti " in the RAO. In the session of the board of directors of the RAO, which took place today, it took up to the agenda of the meeting and others: the acknowledgement of the annual report of the society for 2000 and of the income statements as well as questions on the declaration of dividend, the alterations and supplements of the statute of the society, the selection of the members of the board of directors and the revision commission of the society. The questions of the agenda of the yearly company meeting of the RAO " data link of Russia " were formulated due to the suggestions of the partners, who possess at least two per cent of the shares of the society. These suggestions were received before 1 March of the current yearly, which as extreme date had been determined for their submission.