OF RUSSIA HEAD OFFICE ELECTORAL COMMITTEE STARTED UP ESTABLISHMENT OF THE " FUND SUITOR ELECTIONS " MOSCOW, 7 March / Nikolai Makarow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the head office electoral committee of Russia started up the establishment of the " fund of free elections ". The members of the head offices electoral committee supported the idea of the establishment of such a non-governmental fund in their session on Wednesday. Like Alexander Weschnjakow, director/conductor of the head offices electoral committee, determined, should the major task of the fund the instilling of the legal culture and democratic traditions be. Joint founders of the fund will be some Russian social organizations. The words of Weschnjakow after the specialists of the fund consultations over questions of the electoral legislation will execute and thus the black PR and dirty selection technologies will work against. The chairman of the head offices electoral committee stressed: " for the development of the fund no national means used... It is financed of over problems of the development of the selection democracy in our country of procured sponsor ", explained it in the end.